Google “Thanos” For a Cool “Avengers: Endgame” Easter Egg

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Google “Thanos” For a Cool “Avengers: Endgame” Easter Egg

Avengers: End game is already smashing the box office records. And I am sure most of you might have watched the movie already and some of us haven't those so please don't spoil it for us. 😉

With the release of the movie, Google with pretty cool Easter Egg unleashed the Thanos' Gauntlet.

Go to Google and do a simple query and type in "Thanos" or "The Infinity Gauntlet". Click the Infinity Gauntlet on the right side as shown in the screenshot. Now see what happens!

google easter egg thanos

It seems like not even Google's search results are safe from Thanos. The results disappear with dust-blow-away animation and an accompanying sound effect as the pages scrolls up and down automatically.

You can click the Infinity Gauntlet again and this will bring back your search results by way of the Time Stone, undoing the destruction by Thanos on your browser.

It was pretty cool. Right? Will you be seeing Endgame this weekend? Head over to the comment section and let us know.


Tags:  google doodlesavengersgoogle easter egg
Prince Sumberia

Hi, I am Prince Sumberia, a full stack web developer and tech blogger. I love contributing to open source projects and developing cool stuff for the web.